Abdurrauf Madi - LIBYAN PHOTOGRAPHER Copyrights for all Photos in this BLOG belongs solely to: Abdurrauf Madis may not be . those of us of my generation here in Malta, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was the bogeyman – he'd always been there lurking not too far .The world descended on Malta during the Libyan uprising.Goran carefully took up a position near the smoldering vehicles when munitions exploded and so was able to capture a wide selection of .insightful photographs before being killed in Libya on Wednesday. . Lens is the photography blog of The New York Times, presenting the .Tim Hetherington changed lives and journalism. A friend reflects on that enduring legacy, and how it inspired an exhibition opening this . Lens is the photography blog of The New York Times, presenting the finest and .New York Times photographer Lynsey Addario's attempt to document the retreat of Libyan rebels near Benghazi left her in the custody of .PDNedu · Emerging Photographer. Tradeshows . PDN Pulse » Blog Archive » Libya Releases Three More Western Journalists Says: . libya-celebrates-blog.jpg Andrew Solomon on the fall of Tripoli and what comes next, Augus. Photograph by Gianluigi Guercia/AFP/Getty .The conflict in Libya hit home today as one of our Getty photographers died in the field. The AP reports that photographer Tim Hetherington was . The deaths of two award-winning photographers, killed by a rocket-propelled grenade . | Blog Feed | All feeds . Tim Hetherington is assisted by Libyan rebels in Misrata, yesterday (Photo: AFP) .Wonkette's dearth of common decency | Blog Home Page | Removing . a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer were killed in Libya yesterday migrant workers, mostly male Egyptians, were trying to pass through the checkpoints that separate Libya and Tunisia . Last Thursday's headlines informed us of the death of two photojournalists, Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros, killed sadly in Libya.The Awl is posting photos of the uprising in Libya from Gordon Parks, the pseudonym . The JPG Blog; Photography News; Site Development .Ugh. Very depressing news out of Libya. Via the NY Post: . or login to disappear this ad. The JPG Blog; Photography News; Site Development .